Urban Heartbeat: Lighting Up W. Juana

Monday, 12/08/14 12/18/14
W. Juana Street between BART and downtown San Leandro

How can a city improve nighttime safety, create public art, and collect pedestrian data all at once? Come see how in beautiful interactive lighting art projects/sensors by UC Berkeley students installed in underpasses, on overpasses near schools, and along walking routes to BART.

Urban Heartbeat, a pilot project to help make our public sidewalks more responsive and engaging, is one of three temporary installations by graduate students in art practice, city planning, architecture, geography, and other fields, working closely with the City of San Leandro. The other two projects are: Walk with Me and Underglow.

Urban Heartbeat can be experienced every night after sunset, Dec 8-18.

For more information, visit http://globalurbanhumanities.berkeley.edu/sensing-cityscapes.