Global Urban Humanities Call for Publication Proposals (UPDATED)

Application Information updated 3/20/2014

  1. APPLICATION DUE 5 P.M. MARCH 28, 2014
  2. Please number your pages and use clear section headings
  3. Please include the following information:

I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (please try to limit to 2 pages)

Publication title:

Can be provisional, but should represent the concept clearly

Publication format:

e.g. website, web publication, traditional scholarly publication, eScholarship; describe how the publication will be accessed and cited

Graduate student team:

Name, department, previous degrees (note disciplines), degree program, year in program, research interests.  Should include one person from CED and one from Letters & Science unless you have cleared with Susan Moffat.

Faculty team:

Name, title, department, B.A., master’s and PhD degree disciplines, research interests.  Should include one person from CED and one from Letters & Science unless you have cleared with Susan Moffat.

Publication Description:

Goals of publication/web project. Narrative of topics/themes/problems to be investigated and approach. Proposed number of articles and length. Brief description of any artwork/images and non-article projects to be included.  If applicable, describe any special features of web interface. 


List keywords to be examined

Peer review process:

Describe review team, process, turnaround time, etc.; if no formal peer review, describe editorial process


Describe any possible collaboration or links with existing publications, and ideas for disseminating your project to reach your target audience.

II. ATTACHMENTS (use as many pages as necessary)

Possible authors, articles, projects: (if you have discussed possible submissions with any of these authors, please say so):

This list should be provisional, representative, and specific—a for example list. It can be just a few titles—i.e. if you’re proposing a 10-article project, you don’t need a list of 10 titles. List author, possible paper/project title.  You can make up possible titles, attached to an author or not—or list existing articles as examples of the kind of thing you’re aiming for. We understand you cannot say at this early stage that the specific authors or titles cited will be included.  Your list of articles/projects should represent the range of disciplines and approaches to be included. 

Please give possible article or project titles rather than general topics (the topics should have been addressed in the Publication Description in Part I).   What we are looking for is an indication of whether the pieces will be case studies, theory pieces, quantitative analyses, artistic interventions, scholarly articles, imaginative essays, etc.

Images: Please prepare a single page of captioned images (as many or few as you like) that represents your project concept.  The captions can be single words or up to a paragraph.  For the purposes of this proposal you do not need to obtain permissions for these images.   Again, this is a for example collection to help us better understand your concept.


Situate your project by listing touchstone authors and publications, noting their disciplines.  You may list journals, books, articles, artwork, projects, websites, etc.  If you like, you may describe how your publication will be similar to or different from these works.

Team qualifications:

Describe the experience of the student team members in managing projects such as this, including experience managing timelines, budget, and web/publication logistics.  If any team member will not be enrolled as a student or will not be based in Berkeley during any phase of the project, describe how they will be able to fully participate.

Describe your contact with the faculty advisors so far on this project and their level of commitment. 

Team CVs:

Please attach CVs for students and faculty.


Please attach a production timeline. Be complete and realistic.


Can include web design, development and hosting, copyediting, permissions, graphics, etc.  Please state the basis for your estimates (i.e. informal conversation with web developer, written estimate, etc.)

We will not cover printing costs or the cost of events, food, symposia, etc.  If you want to hold events related to the publication, we can direct you to other funding sources if your project is selected.  If you would like to produce an associated print publication, we can help you seek out a publisher if you are selected.

Questions?  Contact Susan Moffat, GloUH project director,, 510-926-2771.