Spatializing Sovereignty Symposium

Friday, 03/04/16
Anthony Hall

Inspired by recent interventions in Indigenous, feminist, postcolonial, queer, ethnic, and Black studies, the Society of Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life’s 2016 symposium will ask how the spatiality of sovereignty is felt, practiced, embodied, and imposed at different scales. Our desire to open up the concept of sovereignty is inspired by our current political moment, including but not limited to: Israeli settler colonialism; anti-Black state violence; debt regimes that undermine the sovereignty of postcolonial nations; global inequality and transnational flows of migration and labor; U.S. militarism and empire; and Indigenous decolonial politics.

Guest speakers include Professor Mishuana Goeman (Gender Studies, UCLA) and multidisciplinary artist Gelare Khoshgozaran.

More information about the symposium can be found here:

Sponsored by the Society for Radical Geography, Spatial Theory, and Everyday Life. Co-Sponsored by the Center for Race & Gender; Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society; CED Arcus Endowment; Gender & Women's Studies; Native American Studies Program; Queer and Transgender Advocacy Project at the Graduate Assembly, and the Global Urban Humanities Initiative.